Complete Python Mastery
Step into the world of programming with this beginner-friendly Python course and build a strong programming foundation.

Start Now!
With this course, you will
Learn the fundamentals of Python
Write Python code with confidence
Use Python in machine learning and data science projects
Learn the basics of building websites with Python and Django
Build web scraping tools
Process CSV, JSON, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, ZIP files, etc
Send emails and text messages
Practice with coding exerises and create projects
Apply object-oriented programming principles
If you’re looking to truly master Python and apply it in real-world projects, this course is for you. Complete Python Mastery is your step-by-step guide to becoming a confident Python developer. Whether you're automating tasks, building web applications, diving into machine learning, or simply writing better, cleaner code this course has you covered.
Level : Beginner to Advance
Type: Interactive
Total Hours : 52 Hours
Practice Problems: 55+
Course Content
No Prior Knowledge Needed
This course assumes you know nothing about Python or any other programming languages. Go from complete beginner to expert, with plenty of hands-on exercises along the way.
What You'll Learn
Write Python code with confidence
Use Python in machine learning and data science projects Automate boring, repetitive tasks
Build command-line utilities
Build web scraping tools
Process CSV, JSON, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, ZIP files, etc Send emails and text messages
▶ Module 1: Getting Started ( 1 Hour )
Introduction to Python Installing Python
Python Interpreter
Your First Python Program Python Extension Running Python Code Quiz
▶ Module 2: Primitive Types ( 2 Hours )
Escape Sequences Formatted Strings
String Methods
Numbers Working with Numbers Type Conversion
▶ Module 3: Control Flow (8 Hours)
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Bitwise Operators
Membership Operators
Identity Operators
Operator Precedence If else, elif
For Loops
Nested Loops
While Loops
▶ Module 4: Functions (4 Hours)
Defining Functions Arguments
Types of Functions Keyword Arguments Default Arguments *args
**kwargs Scope Exercise
▶ Module 5: Data Structures ( 10 Hours )
Python Numbers
Python List
Python Tuple
Python String
Python Set Lambda Functions
Map Function
Filter Function
Zip Function
Sets Dictionaries Exercise
▶ Module 6: Exceptions ( 1 Hour )
Handling Exceptions
The With Statement Raising Exceptions
Cost of Raising Exceptions
▶ Module 7: Classes ( 14 Hours )
Classes Creating Classes Constructors
Class vs Instance Attributes Class vs Instance Methods Magic Methods
Comparing Objects
Making Custom Containers Private Members Inheritance
The Object Class
Method Overriding Multi-level Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Abstract Base Classes Polymorphism
Duck Typing
Extending Built-in Types Data Classes
▶ Module 8: Modules ( 2 Hours )
Creating Modules
Compiled Python Files Module Search Path Packages
Intra-package References The dir Function
Executing Modules as Scripts
▶ Module 9: Python Standard Library ( 10 Hours )
Python Standard Library Working With Paths
Working with Directories Working with Files
Working with Zip Files
Working with CSV Files
Working with JSON Files
Working with a SQLite Database
Working with Timestamps
Working with DateTimes
Working with Time Deltas Generating Random Values Opening the Browser
Sending Emails
Command-line Arguments Running External Programs NumPy
Pandas Matplotlib