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Django Templates - p4n topic

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

A template in Django is basically written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript in a .html file. Django framework efficiently handles and generates dynamically HTML web pages that are visible to the end-user. Django mainly functions with a backend so, in order to provide a frontend and provide a layout to our website, we use templates. There are two methods of adding the template to our website depending on our needs. We can use a single template directory which will be spread over the entire project. For each app of our project, we can create a different template directory.

For our current project, we will create a single template directory that will be spread over the entire project for simplicity. App-level templates are generally used in big projects or in case we want to provide a different layout to each component of our webpage.

Creating a template in Django involves a few simple steps. Here's an example of how to create a template in Django:

1. Create a Django app (if you haven't already):

python startapp myapp

2. Inside your app directory, create a folder called "templates":

    └── templates/

3. Within the "templates" folder, create another folder with the name of your app (e.g., "myapp"):

    └── templates/
        └── myapp/

4. Inside the app-specific template folder ("myapp" in this example), create your template file. Let's say we create a file called "index.html":

    └── templates/
        └── myapp/
            └── index.html

5. Open the "index.html" file and start writing your HTML code. You can use Django template tags and filters to dynamically render data. For example, you can use {{ variable_name }} to display dynamic data passed from a view.

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Welcome to my Django App!</h1>
    <p>The current time is: {{ current_time }}</p>

6. In your Django views, pass data to the template and render it. For this example, let's assume we have a view called "index" in "myapp/":

from django.shortcuts import render
from datetime import datetime

def index(request):
    current_time =
    return render(request, 'myapp/index.html', {'current_time': current_time})

7. Finally, define a URL pattern in your app's "" file to map the view to a URL:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name='index'),

That's it! Now, when you navigate to the URL mapped to the index view, Django will render the "index.html" template and pass the current time data to it.

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